Palette Wood Dye is a water-based, acrylic dye for colouring interior bare wood, whilst leaving the natural beauty of the grain visible. For use prior to oil, wax, varnish and French polish finishes, Palette Wood Dye is suitable for both soft and hardwoods. Ideal for use on floors, it is available in a range of wood shades, which can be mixed together to create unique colours.
- Water based dye for interior wood work
- Suitable for use on floors
- Leaves the grain visible
- Suitable for use on both hard and soft woods
- Can be mixed with Liberon Natural Finish Varnish
Shake well before use. If more than one tin of dye is required to complete the work, mix the tins of dye together to ensure a uniform colour.
Apply the Palette Wood Dye fairly quickly along the grain using a foam applicator or brush. Wipe off excess with a clean, dry, cotton cloth before it dries to even out the colour. On large surfaces, such as floors, avoid overlap marks by working a small section at a time. A second coat may be applied after two hours if a stronger colour is required. More than two coats of dye may affect the final finish.
Always test the product on a spare surface or inconspicuous area for colour, compatibility and end result. Different types of wood produce different results.
Do not mix a water-based dye with a spirit-based dye.
Wear gloves to avoid staining your skin.
Caution must be taken when using water-based finishes over Palette Wood Dye. Keep brush strokes to a minimum as over brushing may lift out the colour.
Do not allow to freeze.